What Do Satanists Believe? • Occult Patches & Pins

What Do Satanists Believe?

Satanism is one of the most misunderstood belief systems. With its provocative name and complex philosophies, many people have no idea what Satanists actually believe. The truth is, Satanism isn’t a single set of ideas. It’s an umbrella term covering a wide range of perspectives and practices.

Atheistic Satanists see Satan as a symbol of personal freedom and rebellion. Theistic Satanists, on the other hand, view Satan as a spiritual being. These differences make Satanism a diverse movement, but it’s united by core values of individuality, self-empowerment, and rejecting conventional norms.

Understanding Satanist beliefs means looking past stereotypes. It’s not about chaos or evil. It’s about philosophy, spirituality, and questioning traditional authority.

Is Satan a Deity or a Symbol?

The first thing to know about Satanism is that not all Satanists believe in Satan as a literal being. For many, Satan is a symbol, not a deity. Atheistic Satanists, like those in the Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple, use Satan to represent rebellion, independence, and questioning authority. They don’t see Satan as real but as a metaphor for human potential and defiance of oppressive systems.

Theistic Satanists take a different approach. They believe in Satan as a spiritual figure, sometimes as a god or a guiding force. For them, Satan represents empowerment, freedom, and enlightenment, often standing against traditional religious ideas. They may worship Satan directly or connect with him through personal rituals and prayer.

These two interpretations set the stage for the wide spectrum of beliefs within Satanism. Whether symbolic or literal, Satan plays a central role, but what that role means varies dramatically between different groups and individuals.

Photo by Jessica Christian on Unsplash
Photo by Jessica Christian on Unsplash

Core Beliefs of Atheistic Satanists

Atheistic Satanists don’t believe in gods, devils, or supernatural powers. For them, Satan is a symbol - a figure that represents personal freedom, self-empowerment, and challenging authority. It’s not about worship; it’s about philosophy.

Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, laid the foundation for atheistic Satanism in The Satanic Bible. His teachings focus on rational thought, individuality, and embracing one’s desires. Concepts like personal responsibility, rejecting guilt-based morality, and pursuing personal success are at the heart of this belief system.

Atheistic Satanists (sometimes referred to as LaVeyan Satanists) value critical thinking over blind faith. Rituals, when practised, are often theatrical and symbolic, designed for self-expression rather than spirituality. It’s a worldview that puts the individual first, celebrating the power of choice and personal accountability. For atheistic Satanists, it’s not about Satan as a being - it’s about what he stands for.

Core Beliefs of Theistic Satanists

Theistic Satanists take a spiritual approach. For them, Satan is not just a symbol but a real being - often seen as a god, a guiding force, or a liberator. This belief system is rooted in personal connection, with practitioners viewing Satan as a figure who empowers and supports their spiritual growth.

Unlike atheistic Satanists, theistic groups include prayer, devotion, and rituals aimed at forming a bond with Satan. Some see him as a teacher or protector, offering wisdom and strength to challenge traditional religious norms. Others believe in Satan as a force of nature or an embodiment of freedom and self-determination.

There’s no single doctrine within theistic Satanism. Practices and beliefs vary widely, depending on personal interpretations and experiences. But at its core, this branch of Satanism focuses on spirituality, individuality, and rejecting the idea of Satan as inherently evil. Instead, he’s seen as a force for personal empowerment and enlightenment.

Do Satanists Believe in Good and Evil?

Satanists don’t see the world in simple terms of good and evil. Instead, they reject traditional moral frameworks, focusing on personal responsibility and situational ethics. For them, actions are judged based on their context and consequences, not rigid rules handed down by religious authorities.

Atheistic Satanists, in particular, view concepts like "sin" as tools of control rather than universal truths. They believe morality should be rooted in reason, empathy, and the well-being of individuals and communities. Doing harm for harm’s sake is not encouraged - it’s about making choices that align with personal values and avoiding needless cruelty.

Theistic Satanists may also challenge the conventional idea of evil. Many see Satan as a misunderstood figure, wrongly cast as malevolent by mainstream religions. For them, morality is about honesty, fairness, and standing up for oneself and others, rather than following arbitrary definitions of good and bad. It’s a nuanced approach, focused on balance and accountability rather than absolutes.

Photo by David Boca on Unsplash
Photo by David Boca on Unsplash

Rituals and Practices

Rituals in Satanism are as varied as its followers. For atheistic Satanists, rituals are often symbolic, designed to express personal power or mark significant moments. These ceremonies aren’t about summoning spirits but creating a theatrical space to focus on personal goals or emotions. They might include spoken affirmations, lighting candles, or using props to represent inner strength and resolve.

Theistic Satanists, on the other hand, approach rituals as a way to connect with Satan as a spiritual figure. Their practices often include prayers, invocations, or offerings meant to honour Satan and seek guidance. These rituals are deeply personal and can range from simple meditations to elaborate ceremonies.

While the specifics vary, rituals across Satanism share common themes: empowerment, reflection, and individuality. They’re not about chaos or harm but creating a sense of purpose and connection - whether to oneself or a higher power. Rituals are tools for focus, growth, and affirming belief, tailored to each practitioner’s needs.

Misconceptions About Satanic Beliefs

Satanism is surrounded by myths, and most of them couldn’t be further from the truth. The biggest misconception? That Satanists worship the devil in some evil, criminal way. For atheistic Satanists, Satan isn’t even real - he’s a symbol of independence and self-determination. For theistic Satanists, Satan represents empowerment, not malevolence.

Another common myth is that Satanists are antisocial or dangerous. In reality, most Satanic beliefs emphasise personal responsibility and ethical behaviour. They advocate for individuality but not at the expense of others. Harmful stereotypes, fuelled by events like the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, have unfairly painted Satanists as villains.

Satanism also isn’t about chaos or anarchy. It’s a structured belief system with clear principles. Whether it’s the atheistic focus on self-empowerment or the theistic emphasis on spirituality, Satanism is more about building personal strength than tearing down society. These misconceptions highlight the gap between the myths and the actual beliefs held by Satanists.

Satanism is far more complex than the stereotypes suggest. Atheistic Satanists focus on personal freedom, critical thinking, and using Satan as a symbol of rebellion against oppressive systems. Theistic Satanists, meanwhile, connect with Satan as a spiritual figure, seeing him as a guide for self-discovery and empowerment.

At its core, Satanism prioritises individuality, ethical responsibility, and challenging traditional norms. It rejects the simplistic labels of "good" and "evil," offering instead a nuanced framework for navigating life on one’s own terms. Whether symbolic or spiritual, Satanism is about building strength, embracing autonomy, and redefining what belief systems can look like in a modern world.

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